
In this chapter, you delved into a wide array of system administration tasks and key concepts related to Linux systems:

  1. System Administration Tasks - Explored a range of system administration tasks, including user management, security, system updates, and more, essential for maintaining a Linux system.

  2. One Big Filesystem - Examined the concept of a single, unified filesystem hierarchy in Linux, where everything is represented as files or directories, simplifying system management.

  3. Software Packaging Concepts - Learned about software packaging, which involves bundling applications and libraries for easy installation and management.

  4. DPKG Essentials - Delved into the Debian package management system (DPKG), which is used to install, upgrade, and remove software on Debian-based systems.

  5. RPM Essentials - Explored the Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) and its role in package management on Red Hat-based systems.

  6. Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) - Gained insights into APT, a powerful package management system used for installing, upgrading, and managing software on Debian-based systems.

  7. systemctl - Covered systemd's systemctl command, which is used to control and manage services, system state, and units on modern Linux systems.

  8. System Monitoring - Explored the importance of system monitoring, which includes tools and techniques for observing system performance, resource usage, and diagnosing issues.

  9. cgroups - Learned about control groups (cgroups), a kernel feature that enables the control and monitoring of resource allocation to processes and groups of processes.

This chapter equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform system administration tasks, manage software packages, monitor system performance, and control resource allocation, making you a more effective Linux system administrator.