
In this chapter, you delved into the world of system management and shell scripting, covering a range of important concepts and skills:

  1. System Commands - Explored various system commands used for tasks like system monitoring, package management, and hardware information retrieval.

  2. Shell Scripting - Introduced the art of shell scripting, which enables you to automate tasks and create custom scripts to enhance system functionality.

  3. Absolute and Relative Path - Learned about the distinction between absolute and relative file paths, understanding how to navigate the file system effectively.

  4. Exploring Filesystem - Gained insight into the Linux file system, its structure, and how to navigate, inspect, and manipulate files and directories.

  5. Manage Processes - Explored process management, including starting, stopping, and monitoring processes, as well as understanding process priorities.

  6. Managing Jobs - Discovered how to manage jobs and tasks within the system, including background and foreground jobs, and how to control their execution.

This chapter equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to efficiently manage system commands, automate tasks through shell scripting, navigate the file system, handle processes, and control jobs, making you more proficient in Linux system administration and usage.