
In this chapter, you explored troubleshooting levels, basic techniques, and specific areas to investigate when diagnosing issues in a Linux system:

  1. Troubleshooting Levels - Introduced different levels of troubleshooting, emphasizing the importance of structured problem-solving approaches for efficiently resolving system issues.

  2. Basic Troubleshooting Techniques - Covered fundamental troubleshooting techniques, including identifying symptoms, gathering information, isolating the problem, and testing potential solutions.

  3. Things to Check - Highlighted key elements to check when encountering system problems, including hardware issues, configuration files, log files, and system resources.

  4. Boot Process Failures - Discussed common problems that can occur during the system boot process and provided guidance on diagnosing and resolving boot-related issues.

  5. Diagnosing Problems with a Service - Explored how to diagnose and troubleshoot service-related problems, such as failures in web servers, databases, or other services, to ensure their proper functionality.

This chapter equips you with essential troubleshooting skills, guiding you through structured approaches to identify and resolve issues at different levels within a Linux system.