Tunneling Access Server & Basic Vim Command

Tunneling Access Server

Dynamic Port Forwarding

SSH Dynamic Port Forwarding is a technique that allows you to use an SSH connection as a SOCKS proxy. This means that you can tunnel any TCP traffic through the SSH server and access remote resources as if you were on the same network. To use SSH Dynamic Port Forwarding, you need to specify a local port with the -D option when you establish the SSH connection.

For example this coomand will create a SOCKS proxy on port 8020 that you can configure your applications to use.

ssh user@host -D 8020  


Termius is a cross-platform SSH client that allows you to access and manage remote servers from your mobile device or desktop. Termius supports various protocols such as SSH, SFTP, Telnet and Mosh. Termius also provides features such as port forwarding, terminal customization, synchronization and backup of your data across devices, and integration with third-party services like AWS and DigitalOcean.

Pritunl VPN Client

Pritunl VPN Client is a software that allows users to connect to a Pritunl server and access a private network securely. It supports various protocols such as OpenVPN, WireGuard and IKEv2. It also has features such as auto-connect, kill switch and split tunneling. Pritunl VPN Client is compatible with Windows, Mac OS, Linux and Android devices.

Basic Vim Command

Here are the essential Vim commands for basic usage:

  • vim <filename>: Opens the Vim editor and creates a new file with the specified name, or opens an existing file.
  • :q: Quits Vim without saving changes.
  • :w: Saves changes without quitting Vim.
  • :wq: Saves changes and quits Vim.
  • i: Enters insert mode, allowing you to edit the text.
  • Esc: Exits insert mode and returns to normal mode.
  • h, j, k, l: Move the cursor left, down, up, and right respectively.
  • x: Deletes the character under the cursor.
  • d: Deletes text. For example, dw deletes a word, dd deletes a line.
  • y: Copies text. For example, yw copies a word, yy copies a line.
  • p: Pastes copied or cut text after the cursor.
  • u: Undoes the last change.
  • Ctrl-r: Redoes the last change.
  • /: Searches for a pattern in the file.
  • :help: Opens the Vim help page.
  • :set: Changes Vim settings. For example, :set number turns on line numbering.