Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS)

The Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS) exam is ideal for candidates looking to validate their ability to proficiently install, configure, and operate Linux-based systems, whether on-premises or cloud-based.


Who Is It For

LFCS is ideal for candidates early in their Linux system administration or open source career. Candidates should have completed training in Linux system administration.

About This Certification

LFCS was developed by The Linux Foundation to help meet the increasing demand for Linux administration talent. The exam consists of performance-based items that simulate on-the-job tasks and scenarios faced by sysadmins in the real world. The exam is independent of distribution-specific tasks, therefore selecting a platform in the exam preparation checklist is no longer required.

What It Demonstrates

Certified Linux systems administrators can work proficiently to operate Linux-based systems, understand key concepts, use Linux to deploy and operate applications and services and understand Linux networking fundamentals and it's role of supporting cloud-native deployments.

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