Course Content
Introduction of Container
Course Introduction
What Are Container?
Why are containers important?
Example of Containerized Technology
Host, Virtual Machine and Container
Platform Discussion
Lab 1.1 Preparation of Lab Environment
Introduction to Docker
Docker products
Docker Release Cycle
Pricing & Subscriptions
Lab 2.1 : Installing Docker
Lab 2.2 : Docker Run - Part 1
Lab 2.3 : Docker Run - Part 2
Lab 2.4 : Docker Run - Part 3
Managing Docker Container
Managing the Life Cycle of Containers - Part 1
Managing the Life Cycle of Containers - Part 2
Public Registry & Private Registry
Docker Volume
Docker Network
Lab 3.1: Mount Volume
Lab 3.2: Mount Volume with NFS Server
Lab 3.3: Mount Volume with Read-only Mode
Lab 3.4: Volume Driver
Lab 3.5: Default Bridge Network
Lab 3.6: Host Network
Creating Custom Docker Container Image
Docker images
Docker Registry
Manipulating Container Images
Building Custom Container Images with Dockerfile
Reviewing the Dockerfile in Depth
Lab 4.1: Exploring Dockerfile
Lab 4.2: Exploring Dockerfile (Flask Apps)
Lab 4.3: Exploring Dockerfile (Quiz)
Docker Compose
Introducing Docker Compose
Running a multi-service app
Building images with Docker Compose
Running an application with Docker Compose
Scaling a service
Lab 5.1: Using Docker Compose
Docker Continous Integration (CI)
CI Using Docker
Docker Hub Automated Build
Docker Swarm & Portainer
Docker Swarm
Portainer for Docker
Lab 7.1 - Create Swarm
Lab 7.2 - Deploy Service to Swarm
Lab 7.3 - Docker swarm Scale & Update
Lab 7.4 - Install Portainer and configuration
Lab 7.5 - Running Container from Portainer
Lab 7.6 - Build & Push Image from Portainer
Logging Driver
Logging Driver
Lab 8.1: Configuring Logging Driver
Health Check
Health Check
Lab 9.1: Health Check
Docker Security
CIS Docker Benchmark
Secure Computing Mode
Storage Driver
Docker Storage Drivers
Lab 11.1: Configuring Storage Driver
Logging and Error Handling
Logging and Error Handling
Log Check
Lab Challenge
Challenge 1 - Haproxy With Docker
Challenge 2 - Deploy Laravel with Docker (Hard)
Docker Fundamental
Platform Discussion