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Pro Training

Linux Practical DevOps (LF-DOS)

Disusun oleh Tim Dev

This course introduces the fundamentals of CI/CD within an open container ecosystem and takes a project-based approach to help you understand and implement key practices. Key learnings include the role played by Docker and Kubernetes, using Git for revision control, how to install and configure Jenkins as a CI platform, enforcing development workflows as code reviews, application packaging and distribution with Docker and Docker Registry using Spinnaker to set up multi-cloud deployment pipelines, how to safely release software and much more.

8 Modul
ornament kursus adinusa



Modul 1
Overview of Security Tools on DevOps Cycle
Overview of Testing Tools DevOps Cycle
DevOps Frameworks
Lab: Exploring GitLab and Harbor Environment
Modul 2
What Are Containers? A Simple Overview
Understanding Container Images
Docker Basics: An Easy Introduction
Container Image Lifecycle
Harbor Overview: Managing Container Images
Lab: Exploring Containerization with Harbor
Modul 3
Git Basics: Understanding the Core Concepts
Introduction to GitLab: A Quick Overview
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Lab: Essential GitLab Operations
Lab: Setting Up GitLab Repositories
Quiz 3
Modul 4
DefectDojo: Centralized Vulnerability Management
SonarQube: A Practical Tool for Code Quality
Dependency-Check: Simplifying Vulnerability Scanning
Trivy: Quick and Efficient Container Scanning
Lab: Setting Up SOCKS5 Proxy and VM
Lab: Exploring Other DevOps Tools
Lab: Setting Up DefectDojo for Vulnerability Management
Lab: Static Application Security Testing (SAST) with Sonarqube
Lab: Software Composition Analysis (SCA) with Dependency-Check
Lab: Container Image Vulnerability Scanning with Trivy
Modul 5
DevOps Pipeline
Runners in GitLab: What They Are and How to Use Them
Lab: Registering a Runner
Lab: Setting Up First CI Pipeline in GitLab
Lab: Building a DefectDojo Pipeline in GitLab
Quiz 5
Modul 6
Overview of CI/CD
Building an Effective Pipelines
Helm for Kubernetes Packaging
About GitOps
Streamlined Kubernetes Deployments
Lab: Adding Unit Tests to Pipeline
Lab: Adding SAST SonarQube to Pipeline
Lab: Adding SCA Dependency Check to Pipeline
Lab: Adding Build and Push Container Images to Pipeline
Lab: Adding Container Image Vulnerability Scanning to Pipeline
Lab: Create Helm Chart for Applications
Lab: Deploying Applications to Kubernetes using ArgoCD and Helm
Lab: Implementing Continuous Deployment to Staging and Production with ArgoCD
Lab: Adding DAST OWASP ZAP to Pipeline
Quiz 6.1
Quiz 6.2
Modul 7
Fundamentals of Monitoring and Logging
Monitoring and Logging Tools
Alerting and Incident Management
Lab: Exploring Prometheus
Lab: Managing Dashboards in Grafana
Lab: Sending Alert Notifications to Telegram
Modul 8
Survey Training

Informasi Kursus

Level Intermediate
Akses Course 1 Tahun
Estimasi belajar 4 Hari
Harga Offline


Harga Online


Kategori LFDOS
Sertifikat Pencapaian
Penguasaan Komprehensif
Akses Premium Sepanjang Tahun
Materi Terkini & Relevan
Praktik Intensif
Investasi Cerdas untuk Karir Anda


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