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Pro Training


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This course provides users with an introduction to GitLab and Git. It starts with an overview of GitLab so you can learn the basics about what GitLab does and why DevOps teams use it. Then it dives into Git, the version control system used by GitLab for source code management. You'll learn and practice fundamental Git concepts and commands. Throughout the course we'll provide demos and hands-on practice with many of the foundational processes and tasks that DevOps teams use in GitLab: committing changes, creating branches and merge requests, using a CI/CD pipeline, and CI/CD implementation.

6 Modul
ornament kursus adinusa



Modul 1
Modul 2
GitLab Concept
GitLab Features
GitLab Editions
GitLab Release and Maintenance Policy
GitLab Flows
Git Branch
GitLab Recommended Process
GitLab Workflow Components
Single Source of Truth
Example GitLab Issue Flow
Lab 1.0 Tunneling Guidelines
Lab 1.1 Setup Lab
Lab 1.2 Install GitLab Server
Lab 1.3 Create a Project and Issue
Modul 3
Git Concept
Traditional Developer Process
Git Term Definitions
Git Repository
Version Control Management
Code Review
Packages and Registries
GitLab Package and Release Functions
GitLab Application Security
Lab 2.1 Work with git locally
Lab 2.2 Use gitlab to merge code
Modul 4
What and Why GitLab CI/CD
How GitLab CI/CD Works
GitLab CI/CD Workflow
CI/CD at GitLab
CI/CD Components at GitLab
What is GitLab Runner
GitLab Runner Architecture
GitLab Runners Executors
CI/CD Pipeline
Lab 3.1 Register shared runner
Lab 3.2 Build a .gitlab-ci.yml file
Lab 3.3 Review example gitlab CI/CD section
Lab 3.4 Register group runner and run job on specific runner
Lab 3.5 Create a basic CI configuration
Modul 5
Jobs Management
Dependencies, Needs, Parallel, and Trigger
Pipeline Editor
GitLab Registry
GitLab CI/CD Variables
GitLab Security Dashboards and Security Center
Lab 4.1 Display pipeline environment info
Lab 4.2 Variable hierarchy
Lab 4.3 Job policy pattern
Lab 4.4 Using artifacts
Lab 4.5 GitLab docker registry
Modul 6
Lab 5.1 Setup Project
Lab 5.2 Build Continuous Integration (CI) Pipeline
Lab 5.3 Build Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CD) Pipeline for VM
Lab 5.4 Build Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CD) Pipeline for Container
Lab 5.5 Build Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CD) Pipeline for Kubernetes

Informasi Kursus

Level Intermediate
Akses Course 1 Tahun
Estimasi belajar 3 Hari
Harga Offline


Harga Online


Kategori DevOps
Sertifikat penyelesaian
Teori dan hands-on lab
Akses materi course 1 tahun
Pembaharuan materi secara berkala
Akses lab hingga h+5 pasca training


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