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Pro Training

Docker Administration (DO-ADM)

Disusun oleh Btech

The "Docker Administration (DO-ADM)" training course covers the basic concepts and practices of containerization on Docker node. This course provides participants with the opportunity to learn the basics of containers and how to manage and scale Docker. In this course, participants will be taught about using the Docker CLI, creating and managing Docker containers, understanding how to connect Docker containers to a network, and others.

7 Modul
ornament kursus adinusa


Learning Objective

  • Participants will learn the basics of containerization on Docker node, and be able to build and deploy containerized applications with confidence.
  • Participants will be able to create images using Dockerfile best practices so that the containers created are optimized in terms of performance and security.


Modul 1
The Evolution of Software Deployment: From Physical Servers to Containers
Core Concepts of Containerization
How Docker Revolutionized Application Development
The Role of Docker in Microservices Architecture
Overview of Docker’s Architecture and Components
Understanding Docker’s Place in the DevOps Toolchain
Popular Use Cases for Docker in Various Industries
Lab: Setting Up Your Environment
Lab: Nusactl Setup & Reset Virtual Machine Guidelines
Quiz: Nusactl Setup
Modul 2
Differences in Docker Deployments Across Various Operating Systems
Exploring Docker’s Integration with Virtual Machines and Cloud Platforms
The Impact of Docker’s Configuration on Performance and Security
Understanding the Docker Daemon and Its Role in Docker Operations
Analyzing the Docker CLI’s Role in Container Management
Lab: Installing Docker
Lab: Docker Basic Operations
Lab: Configuring Storage Driver
Lab: Configuring Logging Driver
Quiz: Installing Docker
Quiz: Docker Basic Operations
Modul 3
The Lifecycle of a Docker Image: From Creation to Deployment
Best Practices in Writing Dockerfiles for Efficient and Reusable Images
Understanding Docker Image Layers and Their Impact on Performance
Exploring Docker’s Build System: From Dockerfile to Multi-Stage Builds
Image Security: Analyzing Common Vulnerabilities and Mitigation Strategies
The Role of Docker Registries in Containerized Application Development
Managing Image Versions and Tags for Effective Version Control
Lab: Build PHP Container Image
Lab: Build Python Django Container Image
Lab: Build NodeJS Container Image
Lab: Build Java Container Image
Lab: Working with Public Image Registry
Lab: Deploy Harbor Private Image Registry
Lab: Working with Private Image Registry
Quiz: Image Management
Quiz: Multi-stage Build
Modul 4
The Docker Networking Model: Concepts and Architecture
Understanding Docker’s Built-In Network Drivers and Their Use Cases
Advanced Networking Concepts: Overlay Networks and Service Discovery
Security Implications of Docker Networking: Best Practices
The Role of DNS in Docker Networking
Lab: Understanding Docker Bridge Network
Lab: Create and Manage a Custom Bridge Network
Lab: Docker Host Network
Lab: Accessing Docker Containers Using Port Mapping
Lab: Managing DNS Settings in Docker Containers
Quiz: Docker Networking and Configuration
Modul 5
Exploring Storage Options
The Role of Volumes in Data Persistence Across Docker Containers
Exploring Docker’s Storage Drivers and Their Use Cases
Protecting Persistent and Volatile Data
Optimizing Storage Utilization for Large-Scale Docker Deployments
Lab: Managing Docker Volumes
Lab: Exploring and Managing Docker Bind Mounts
Lab: Working with Docker Tmpfs Mounts
Quiz: Managing Persistent Data in Docker
Modul 6
Security Implications of Containerization: Docker’s Approach to Security
Analyzing Docker’s Built-In Security Features and How They Work
The Role of Isolation and Sandboxing in Docker Security
Best Practices for Managing Access Control in Docker Environments
Securing Docker Images: Vulnerability Analysis and Hardening Techniques
The Importance of Regular Monitoring and Auditing in Docker Security
Lab: Running Docker as a Non-root User
Lab: Managing Docker Daemons Remotely with Docker Contexts
Lab: Scanning and Resolving Container Image Vulnerabilities with Trivy
Quiz: Reduce Image Vulnerability
Modul 7
Understanding Docker Swarm’s Role in Container Orchestration
The Concept of Services and Stacks in Docker Swarm
How Docker Swarm Manages Scaling and Load Balancing of Containers
The Role of Orchestration in Achieving High Availability and Fault Tolerance
Advanced Orchestration Concepts: Service Meshes and Microservices Architecture
Lab: Deploying a Flask Application with Redis Using Docker Compose
Lab: Setting Up and Managing Docker Swarm Nodes
Lab: Managing Docker Swarm Services
Lab: Managing Secrets in Docker Compose
Lab: Managing Docker Secrets in Swarm Services
Quiz: Setup Wordpress with Secret in Docker Swarm

Informasi Kursus

Level Beginner
Jadwal 24 Juli 2023 - 24 Juli 2024
Akses Course 1 Tahun
Estimasi belajar 4 Hari
Harga Offline


Harga Online


Kategori Cloud
Sertifikat penyelesaian
Teori dan hands-on lab
Akses materi course 1 tahun
Pembaharuan materi secara berkala
Akses lab hingga h+5 pasca training


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